Triple Integral

Much like double integrals, triple integrals are integrals of a function of multiple variables but instead of just 2 variables it has 3.

A triple integral over the solid region is defined by the following:

Where is:

Note: in the above equation refers to volume, other notation details can be found in multiple integral notation.

As seen above the inner two integrals must have their bounds written as functions of the outer variables, simply using the bounds is not sufficient.

In a triple integral the bounds define the volume of the solid, where as in double integrals they only defined the projection of the solid onto one of the axis planes (xy, xz, and yz-planes). So now that we already have volume covered in our equation this allows us to use a separate function in for instead of having to use it for the volume equation.

Think about a room that is 10 feet wide, 10 feet deep, and 20 feet tall. You want to find out how much oxygen is in this room but need the bottom of the room the air is more dense and at the top there is almost no air. The density of the air in the room is given by where is the current height of the room. You can use the bounds of the triple integral to set the volume then integrate the above function.


Like double integrals you first solve the inner integrals and then work your way to the outer integrals. You should have to solve 3 integrals total.


Triple Integrals and Non-Rectangular Coordinate Systems

Spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems can be used with triple integrals to simplify the evaluation process in some equations. It may be useful to employ trigonometry identities to simplify equations when using these methods.

Spherical Coordinates

Best used for solids that are spherical in nature, and generally centered close to the origin.

One uses the spherical coordinate system by first substituting the , , and variables with the following:

In addition to the added functions in the integration terms:

Notice the added in the integration terms. See spherical coordinates and Multivariable Calculus Notes - Chapter 15 - Sections 6-8 for more information.


Best used for solids that are cylindrical, or round in two of the three axis, where the function is easy to integrate as is but the and functions are not (or any other order).

One uses cylindrical coordinates by substituting the , , and variables for the following functions:

In addition to added an in with the integration terms:

One notices that these substitutions are very similar to polar coordinates and indeed finds that the only difference is the addition of the axis. Be sure to remember the "r" when converting to cylindrical (and polar) coordinates. See cylindrical coordinates and Multivariable Calculus Notes - Chapter 15 - Sections 6-8 for more information.